MEANING: Celebrate Spring! Enjoy the touch of Spring even when you are in the middle of deep hibernation. Let these Celtic Flowers assure you of the return of Warm Days, Growth and Abundance!
Flower meanings have fascinated people for centuries.Within flower symbolism, different times have given different meanings to specific flowers. In the Victorian Era, which flowers were combined together gave them even more significance and meaning.
Katrina designed the first of these Celtic Flowers on a Hurricane Sunday in 2016 at the Maryland Renaissance Festival. The large flower with the Celtic Knot Flower and Leaf came first and the Mini next. A custom request created the Hummingbird and Flower. The final design is the Hummingbird and Bud whose creation came about because of an oopsy poopsy with the scroll saw…
And the best thing about this indoor garden…the squash vine borers can’t kill them… Yes, I have issues….
Our carvings are single pieces of western red cedar, designed and carved to be wall hangings. Each carving begins as a 1 X 12 inch cedar board. While we use power tools (Scroll Saw, Rotary shaft Tool, handheld detail sanders etc.), we use no laser’s, CNC machines or computer operated cutting machines. All work is done with our hands and eyes…
We cut the 2 dimensional blanks with scroll and jig saws (double-sized custom orders have to be cut with jigsaw). Carving is done with rotary shaft tools and disc grinders. The 80 grit sanding is the final phase of the carving process, removing the nicks and gouges from the carving tools, and finishes the shaping of the weave. The next 2 sandings with 120 then 220 grit finishes the smoothing and polishing. They are finished with Clear Danish Oil to seal the piece, bringing out the grain and the color.